Recording Studio in Bristol

Welcome to Fulcrum Studio. Tucked away in Bristol BS10, professional recording studio services are available for local artists, plus music production online for remote projects.

Well-balanced music mixing is facilitated by exceptional studio acoustics that enable elegant sound translation to playback systems in other locations.

Support and technical guidance during studio sessions help clients achieve their creative potential. All talents are warmly invited to experience the studio’s calm and supportive atmosphere.

Contact the studio today, to book your free taster session and claim an introductory discount.

Round glass topped table made from a bass drum with decorative lighting
Recording Studio in Bristol with Neumann speakers & Soundtracs mixing desk
Fender custom shop telecaster on guitar stand in the recording studio

Recording Studio Design

This small but beautiful space was designed by internationally renowned acoustician Philip Newell and meticulously constructed by music producer Richard Parsons.

Learn more about how the design of the studio can positively impact your music, on the studio and acoustic design pages.

Music Collaboration

Working closely with artists across varied genres, priority is given to building strong musical arrangements and performances that pave the way to quality recordings.

Richard is dedicated to making songs the best they can be. A musician who empathises with clients, but ensures quality by maintaining objectivity.